The Product Scope for HARPS covers whole fruit, vegetables, and nuts in-shell. The Freshcare Crop List is the basis for product listings on the HARPS Certificate; however, there are some exceptions. Please review the HARPS Crop and Product List for more information.

Changes to how you nominate the Certification Body you choose to audit HARPS for your business

If your business is undergoing a HARPS audit for the first time or is currently audited for HARPS and you’re looking to make a change from your current Certification Body to a new Certification Body, HARPS now requires that you complete an online form to make your selection.

Click here for further information and to complete an online form.

HARPS Version 2.0 LAUNCHES 17TH October 2022

The HARPS Version 2.0 Standard launches on Monday 17th October 2022. The Version 2.0 Standard will assist suppliers in meeting retailer requirements, and relevant Australian Laws. The revised standard is accompanied by additional support tools for growers and suppliers, including guidance for each element and how to achieve compliance. Click here for to access the new standard. The standard also incorporates guidance developed by the Fresh Produce Safety Centre.

Following the 17th October launch, Tier 1 suppliers will have six months to transition to Version 2.0, with a mandatory transition date of 17th April 2023. Tier 2 suppliers are permitted 12 months to transition, with a mandatory transition date of 16th October 2023. Any new suppliers to HARPS from 18th October 2022 will require an audit against the Version 2.0 Standard. The graphic below provides an overview of the launch date and transition timelines for Tier 1 and Tier 2 businesses.

In addition, short and easy-to-follow training guides have been developed to help businesses update their existing QA processes and systems to the Version 2.0 Standard, click here to access the HARPS Version 2.0 Transition Training videos.

If you require more comprehensive training, you can visit the training page on the HARPS website to find a trainer in your state or capital city.

[NEW] Freshcare and HARPS Combined Resources

The Freshcare and Harmonised Australia Retailer Scheme (HARPS) combined resources are now ready to use for growers and supply chain businesses after successful piloting to assist with certification requirements for Freshcare and approval to HARPS  

Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme

In 2012 Horticulture Australia (now Hort Innovation) Ltd initiated a project to harmonise food safety certification requirements for the major retailers in Australia. The result of this project is the Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme (HARPS).

HARPS is a retailer-led scheme designed to assist with compliance to food safety, legal and trade legislation for suppliers to the major grocery retailers in Australia.

HARPS was established with the goal of providing a more practical and efficient approach for growers and suppliers, through streamlining the amount of work undertaken during the audit process. Whilst the magnitude of change will differ between businesses, businesses that were previously audited to multiple schemes for multiple customers will now only require one GFSI approved scheme plus HARPS. This means the audit duration may reduce, and hence overall audit costs should also reduce. HARPS has also required an increased level of awareness and understanding beyond only the Retailers contracted suppliers, with requirements extending to downstream suppliers (depending upon their activities and relationship with their customers).

The HARPS Standard Version 1.0 was released in October 2016. To date over 8,000 audits have taken place across the growers and suppliers to the HARPS participating retailers.

Scan certificates to verify the information

HARPS has partnered with Australian technology company Laava to protect the integrity of their certificates, via the deployment of scannable and secure Smart Fingerprints.

Certificate holders and reviewers can scan the unique Smart Fingerprint on the certificate to verify that the information presented is true and accurate and matches the information within HARPS digital records. The inclusion of the secure and scannable Smart Fingerprint means that stakeholders can trust the authenticity of the certificate and its content, which is not possible to achieve with insecure technology. Go to Tools-and-Templates to learn more about scanning certificates.

HARPS Logo available to Horticultural Industry Members

We’re excited to announce the availability of the new HARPS Logo to Horticultural industry members. 

The Logo, designed with harmonisation as the central idea, displays two circular-shaped leaves symbolising HARPS as a platform with common values and shared ideas for HARPS participating retailers, working collaboratively and efficiently to enhance food safety. The green leaves and colour scheme have been selected to depict the fresh produce industry.  

The logo will not be a certification mark, but rather the HARPS symbol alongside the words Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme as displayed here

The logo is available to businesses that are audited to HARPS along with industry organisations interested in using the logo for marketing purposes.

Please click here to review the HARPS Logos Style Guide Rules and Specifications

Do you have a query?

Call the HARPS Helpline:

1300 852 219

or, click here to send us your enquiry via email

Are you looking for the HARPS Extension & Exemption Request Form?

This can be found, along with other useful material, on our Tools & Templates page.


Following a competitive tender process, two businesses have been awarded a contract to deliver HARPS Version 2.0 training, Fresh Business Training and Quality Associates. Find out more about each training provider here.